Thursday, October 19, 2006

Post Adoption Birthparent /Family Help

My guy in Russia sent me scans of the letter and envelope.

I tried to make out the words in the letter but there is no way I can read handwriting in Russian. I can barely make out some words in printing.

I am waiting for the translations. My son's birthmother wrote the letter before she got the package for my son's sibling's birthday on the 23rd.

It seems as if she wrote immediately after receiving my letter telling her we were sending a package. I am hopeful it is all good news in the letter.
I am waiting for the translations before I talk to my son about it.
I spoke to my SW when we rec'd the video. As you can imagine there was some pretty big emotions going on in the tape. She said to wait to show it to him until he is older. Just show him pictures for now and talk to him about his birthfamily.
In the title above is the link for the searcher who found my son's birthfamily even when it seemed impossible. He got medical information, pictures of many family members and family history. I know for instance my son's grandfather was left handed. The search is not cheap. It is not outrageously expensive either. We are talking about our child's history here- it is worth it.
We are still searching for my son's birth sisters. There are 4 of them. They may have been adopted to the United States. Their last name was Churbanova- his was different.

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