Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Big F'ing Suprise... Stiiiriiike Two!

Thank you for your interest in our WC Program and in *****. I do want to inform you that after reviewing applications we have decided to place this child with another family. like I said.. big f'ing suprise

Please know that our decision is not meant to be a reflection of one’s parenting abilities, and not being approved is not meant to be perceived as rejection. whatever!

We received several applications for *****; making this a very difficult decision. Like 300 or 400 maybe?

I wonder what exactly IS the REAL criteria for a waiting child?

F You agency- I'm outta here! I'm not gonna make my third pitch to you.

I want out of this "very predicatable" adoption experience!

Fos-Adopt here we come!


Allright- sorry- let me explain-

So, DH and I decided to apply for a waiting child from China. For the second time. I HAD been told before that we had little chance b/c we have children already and we had no experience with this certain special need (cleft palate &/or lip). We do have a friend with a child with this need and are very aware of what is needed. Also we have done tons of research.

Anyway- with our China Only Agency- there are THOUSANDS of people wanting to adopt, many with dossiers already in China. It is rumored to be a little faster process. That IS NOT the reason we chose to try this.

We feel we are good parents, we have prior adoption experience with a child with a "special need" so- we tried, AGAIN. As you can see, yet again we are not good enough.

We had both decided that:

  1. With my diagnosis- we really don't qualify for a China Adoption anyway. I called my agency they gave me a line of don't ask, don't tell. BTW the Dr's got the Cancer. They say its gone. So- with this whole thing I've done a lot of soul searching and I DON'T WANT TO WORK MYSELF INTO MY GRAVE ANYMORE! There goes some serious dough. My kids are more important.
  2. We are not willing to put our children through this "unknown" wait anymore. For two years they have heard that their sister will be here "in about a year".
  3. It really doesn't seem to be that there is a need for adoptive parents for China. I am NOT doing this to be a "do - gooder"; I want another child. I'm selfish, but as my mother said "there are a lot of children elsewhere who need parents". (could've scraped me up off the floor when she came out with that- surprised the hell out of me! she was so set on China- Me too for that matter)
  4. I have been volunteering in a State run pre-school program and see the need for Fos-Adopt parents right before my eyes. We will begin this even though we have been told (yet again) this is not a good fit for us. That we will not have a good chance at having a female child of any race, under 4 yrs of age placed with us.

So there- the money we would have spent on travel and updating all out immigration stuff will be spend on readying our house for one or two more children, and whatever THEY might need.

There are several other reasons for what we are doing yet, as you can tell, I'm not very organized at putting them down right now.

We are starting our Fos-Adopt classes on Saturday and CPR/First Aid training next month.

The only thing I regret about this decision is having to miss all the ALT conversation. I will post about that next time. You ladies ROCK and I will miss you.

Edited 5:33 pm


Denise :o) said...

Okay, what??? I'm confused?? Did I read that correctly? You had applied to adopt a specific waiting child (here or in China?)and were turned down all together? What the hell??

Fost/Adopt is said to be a good program. You seem liked you've done a lot of research. It has to be better than this rollercoaster you've been on.

Keep me posted.

Unknown said...

I'm with Denise..... what??? Think maybe we missed something or you jumped around too much (0: So answer her questions for me, too.

We're going foster/adopt. Right now I'm on the case manager side of it, but soon will be on the getting a kid side!
If you have questions, let me know. I may have a few answers (I do not claim to have all of them like my husband thinks)....

walternatives said...

"Very predictable" my ass. Of course, my agency boosts that they offer "constant communication and support for adopting families." The last communication that I had from them was asking for a payment at DTC, over 10 months ago. It's all a circus and we have to blindly follow the clowns... I'm understanding your frustration.

Red Sand said...

Odd (and unfair) how much "the rules" seem to vary from agency to agency. Can't get my head around it. Good luck with the Fos-Adopt program.