Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No Phone Call

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Well, I guess no news means that the couple decided that they could handle two toddlers. I'm not sure how I feel. Relieved at not reliving the two children in diapers thing though it would not have killed me, or sad at our family still not being complete.

This is where you KNOW I am a desperate crazy woman. I have had a reoccurring dream of a little girl with big black curls and her infant or toddler brother being placed with us. I have decided this is what we are waiting for. I'll tell you a little secret. When I was 15 I dreamt of bearing a child that looked "Polynesian" according to my journal. Looking at my oldest son's birth pictures..... it was him. OK now I've totally freaked you out and you never want to read my blog again.

I wish there was some way to stop this YEARNING.


SabineM said...

Hello. FOund your through Kailani's blog roll. Thought your blog name was funny so I checked it out. I wish you the best and hope you get that phone call soon. WE adopted last year from China and now have a 13 year old (bio) and a 2 year old. Life is grand!
WE are in Southern California.
Will check back in...

Carolyn said...

Well, now. Talk about a roller coaster!! You will find your children... or they will find you. Keep the faith.

Unknown said...

We're on the ride!
i would send you the link to our little book but i need an e-mail address!
E-mail it to me at princessshine at hotmail dot com~

I have to go with the faith and dreams... i've had a few that were a bit too close to reality to ignore. There's so much out there you can't explain~