Friday, December 14, 2007

Best Garden Seed Companies

I know, I am so sad. I'm pining for my summer garden already.

I'm still in the stage of "I can't eat one more tomato" though.

The following link has some great LOCAL and ORGANIC seed companies. Take a look and join me in the hording of seeds for this spring.

Best Garden Seed Companies


Annie said...

I thought there was a connection! I just need the time to scroll back and learn your story... Why are you hoping to foster-adopt rather than go to Russia again?

Also - I see you have a link to one of my favorite people - Tony Carruthers! I love that man!

junglemama said...

Sick of Tomatoes? Just kidding. But, I do love them and wonder how one could get sick of them. :)

I guess if I ate tons of them, I would, but here in the valley they are quite expensive right now at close to $2.50 a pound so I don't buy a lot.

Project Ni Hao said...

Just this weekend, I started longing for fresh tomatoes again. Our garden did so good this year, towards the end of September, I couldn't stand the sight of them anymore. It's a long, long way 'till next summer...