It took me a second to realize that the two dogs decided that they needed to put an end to Mowgli. One had him by the neck the other had his teeth sunk into my dog's back. I screamed several times for the dogs to "Let him go! Leave him!" Of course they didn't listen. I was scared to death that they were going to kill our dog! Without thinking I jump into the fray myself and start kicking the dog that had Mowgli's neck with all my might, yelling "let him go you son's of bitches!" I slipped on the mud and fell to the ground. I scrambled back up to find the owner yelling and trying to drag the dog on Mowgli's back off of him. Mowgli was lying still on the ground but still breathing, I grabbed his collar (which I am convinced saved his life) and drug him to his feet and got him into the house.
As I sat on the floor searching through Mowgli's thick fur for wounds, intermittently crying and swearing there was a soft knock at the door. It was the neighbor apologizing and explaining that he was cleaning out the dog's pen and they must have found a hole in the fence. I said I was fine and asked him to just leave.
I called my husband who thought I was just being a bit hysterical (isn't he an insensitive lout?).
A dog with hundreds of staples and a few drains in his skin and around a thousand dollars later he is singing a different tune.
I have several things going through my mind-
What if this had been my nine pound dog Vito?
What if this had been one of my children? Mowgli is NOT a small dog.
What am I to do? Mowgli was not on a leash, he ended up on the neighbor's property, as was I. Should I ask the neighbor to help with the expenses? Should I call animal control? (I hate to do that. I feel like the animal control in this county is like the SS. I truly HATE them. And it is not like my dog has never been loose before and "menacingly barked" at people (Vito).)
Needless to say Mowgli is a mess and extremely down in the dumps and in PAIN. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty for him getting hurt because of me or thankful that he decided to protect me. A bit of both, I think.
I think of myself yelling "you son's of bitches" at the dogs and having a little laugh.
Here is a pick of my baby, sans graphic gore but depression palpable.

I am really REALLY disturbed by these events, of course for good reason but I had a little cousin killed by dogs. They weren't mean dogs like these were, they were golden retrievers. If golden retrievers can kill a little boy, aren't these dogs even more capable of the same thing? Am I over reacting? I couldn't bear it if I was the cause of the dogs losing their home or lives but I couldn't bear losing my children either.
Oh, I am so very, very sorry for you and for Mowgli. My opinion? I'd ask the neighbor to pay the vet bills, telling him that you would prefer that the authorities not be involved, then take it from there. If he baulks, then I think that I would call the authorities into play. Those dogs are viscious but hopefully, a thousand dollar vet bill will serve to remind your neighbor to keep his dogs where they belong.
I'm so sorry. Poor Mowgli.
I would not call the authorities, if they take a black and white view of things and it's "he said she said " with your neighbors, it could result in sanctions against both of you or worse yet all due to the dogs winding up on their yard.
That being said, what's most important is that your dog is home, recovering and you were able to save Mowgli and yourself.
I know this may seem like taking way too much "high road" but there is just too big a risk to you and your dog by risking a conversation about expenses.
Let us know how it works out.
PS -my dog was attacked by my mom's dog many many years ago. She survived, dozens of stitches, several drains, weeks at the Vet recovering before she could come home. It was very hard for both my mom and myself to get over it. I know the view from where you are sitting, email me offline if you like.
best wishes this holiday season.
You probably won't be my e-friend anymore when I reveal the humiliating fact that my dog killed a neighbor's cat. Same sort of thing. Our dog is a darling dog, wants nothing but to please... I have had lots of dogs and cats both - simultaneously - and thought that stuff about dogs chasing cats, etc. was hogwash. What I didn't understand was the difference in breeds. And though Rosie is a darling with us and our children, and scare of other dogs, she is somehow programmed to go after cats the way cats go after mice. This was such a hideous experience for us. I was SO sorry for the cat (I generally am much more of a cat lover) and also for the owner, of course (who actually had the cat staked out on a leash, of all the unusual things). We certainly paid the vet bills, and and now lived stressed out of our minds that Rosie will get out again. (She's always been an inside dog; but one of the kids left the back gate open ).
Anyway, maybe they are thoughtless jerks, but maybe they are just quaking in misery over there.
I can see why you were upset! Talk about a horrible experience!
Sigh. This is so tough. I love dogs, live with dogs (we have 3), study dog behaviour (when I can find a grad students who is interested!), and have been a volunteer with several animal charities and rescues over the years. I have great empathy for dogs who are aggressive because of their living arrangements or uneducated owners, or because they have just have poor temperaments (due to what has been a history of inappropriate breeding for a lot of dog breeds- both large and small, imho).
But dogs who are aggressive to people or other dogs are both HUGE risks to society and a huge responsibilty for their owners. Owners of such dogs need to be convinced of this risk and be willing to take the steps necessary to manage the risk. Sometimes, this includes heroic measures and lots of money to ensure that there is NO way these dogs can be in contact with potential victims. If owners are not willing to do what it takes to protect people and other animals, then they have few options. Euthanasia is sometimes the most humane choice.
Having dogs like this AND having a hole in your fence is completely unacceptable. You should at least let your neighbour know this. I would try to convince them that the next time these dogs get out (and there WILL be a next time), their victim might not get as lucky as Mowgli. God forbid a child wanders in through a hole in the fence. I believe that no dog's life is worth a child's face.
If I were you, I'd ask them to take their portion of your vet bill (that they should have at least OFFERED to you) and get them to use it to reinforce their property.
Annie- don't worry about your dog killing the neighbour's cat- it is tragic, but it's not a sign of true aggression in your dog! I hate when people think its OK to put a cat out on a lead, it makes the cat completely defenseless- our neighbour does the same thing. Dogs who kill what they see as "prey" are not necessarily a risk for aggression towards other animals or people.
Hoping Mowgli feels better soon! Good luck and let us know how things work out.
I am so sorry to hear what happened to Mowgli. I was bitten by a dog when I was a kid and it was truly frightening. I think your neighbor should pay some portion of your vet bill if not the whole thing. I know I would. They also need to make sure that their property is secure. I don't think thats too much to ask for after all they should be terrified that the dogs could attack a child. Now don't get me wrong I love dogs and my dog is like another child to me, but they need to make sure these animals can not get out!! What a tough situation, I hope Mowgli is feeling better poor thing.
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