Its an adventure opening my mailbox these days. Scattered among the bills and sale ads are postcards from Postcrossing, movies borrowed from Netflix and just yesterday two letters from our ever growing family.
Ian's other three sisters also wrote a letter filled with drawings and accompanied a box full of cookies made by their own hands. I am so thankful that their mother and father are willing to put up with me in their lives.

It is a bit harder to contact Ian's birthmother but we do get a letter here and there sent to her. We hear more from his Grandmother
in Russia. In fact she sent a message through Yulia, the oldest sister who lives in Delaware, for Ian to send pictures to her.

I feel a little lost regarding Ian's younger brother that is still with his birthmother. Ian asks after him quite a lot and has one of his pictures next to his bed, along with a picture of his three sisters in the USA and a pic of his sister still in Russia. He has told me that soon, there will be a picture of all of them together. He even has a specified space on the wall for this picture.

Its hard to explain to Ian why his brother is still with his birthmother while the rest of the children are scattered across the globe. Here is one article I have found regarding one sibling is placed for adoption while another is not.
Wow! You got tons of info on your son's birthfamily. Can you share how you did this?
That is so, so amazing!!! I love it!!!!! I've been debating back and forth about searching, but I'm afraid David isn't ready for that. I really want Ivan to know his birthfamily, but I'm scared to search. Funny how we started with international adoption because we didn't want to do an open adoption and now I long to have that contact with his biofamily.
Your son is one loved little boy...
Wow. How wonderful. I think you are so fortunate to have these photos. I just got a couple this week of my children's grandmother and mother and it is overwhelming.
Don't you long for the little one?
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