Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Speech Apraxia

My youngest has Verbal Apraxia of Speech. This gives an easy way of explaining the issues to family and friends.


Annie said...

OK - I've been reading your blog for awhile, but I have to admit to not really having figured out how many children you have and where they came from.... Could you send me to the most explanatory post....or do an update?

walternatives said...

What a great tool that video is, and how inspriring, too. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have S.A., but early intervention seems like it can do wonders. Thank you for sharing this with us. I was educated today.

Kathryn said...

Sorry to hear your son has this issue. I learned something from this video and I work with speech therapists. Made it very easy to understand what apraxia is (related to speech that is)

junglemama said...

Sorry about your son. When we were having our two children evaluated this is one of the things they looked for. Thank you for this video because now I understand what Apraxia is better.