Saturday, January 12, 2008 - Marriage Annulled After Separated Twins Marry - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

No Stinkin' Way!!!!! This is soooo way out there. Brings a pretty good case for always telling your kids they're adopted and maybe at least having the adoption open enough that you know there are siblings!!!! Holy Mackerel!!

I'm having a really hard time thinking this is true, it is such an "old" story that this could happen. I guess it did! - Marriage Annulled After Separated Twins Marry - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News


Kathryn said...

I found this story a little hard to believe, but if it's true, yikes how horrible for them.

Annie said...

I was thinking about how interesting they were drawn together.....just some "mysterious something".