Barnes & Noble.com - Books: Gotcha Capitalism, by Bob Sullivan, Paperback
So after my fiasco at the bank - yeesh, I noticed this book in the newly arrived display. Grabbed it and while paying a late fee (ahem) my daughter looks at the receipt and laughs as it has the words fee/call smashed together as her friend's doctor father had just told the girls something re: a dog's fecal matter blah blah...... now it is the constant word of the hour, thanks a lot guy. Anyway, we move on to the neighboring park where we had just had a little pic nic the other day.
EB comes running up with his nice new Lands End coat we had bought him for Christmas. We had been looking for it everywhere. Somehow by some miracle no one had touched it for several days. He was so happy as he basically is OCD about keeping his clothing and possessions near and in perfect shape. In the breeze is a most horrible smell, I stop him before he pushes the coat into my arms. My daughter screams "there is fecal matter in EB's coat!!!!!!!!!!"
Someone had used my beautiful boy's coat as a toilet (and it WASN'T a child). EB immediately drops it, Little K steps in it with her brand new shoes and EB starts to vomit and cry hysterically. Oldest son runs for the car and brings wipes and a plastic bag to put all offending shoes, coat etc in.
Yet another sign of some serious sins in my past life or a series of bad luck?
Even though we have all completely scrubbed ourselves and all clothing etc etc the smell is everywhere, I can't stop detecting ghostly whiff of seriously disgusting activity.
Did I say there are public toilets not 10 feet away?
Needless to say, I KNOW why no one took the coat now.
Happy day guys, and remember, when you take your children to the park, watch the cast off clothes, they may contain a surprise.
It's a lesson that, after reading your post, will probably NEVER forget. Ick.
To get the lingering ghost smell out try washing the clothes again and using white vinegar in the rinse cycle. Then put them out in the air and you will have wonderfully clean, no more smelly clothes. This also works wonders for cat urine, a smell that lingers beyond any other.
Sorry you had such a yucky experience.
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