Sunday, June 08, 2008


As you've probably realized, things are a bit hectic here to say the least.

I'm not sure that I will be blogging for quite a while.

I have a night job. Yes, I took it. For the benefits of course. Not easy to come by around here.

Kids are BUSY. The two little ones are REALLY testing boundaries and are having attachment issues.

Hubby working almost 7 dys a week while I am at home during the day w/ the kids.

Our jobs were both kind of tied into the CA Real Estate Market so finances are not a pretty sight around here now.

My father has been given 2-3 monthe to live.

Life not easy just now. Not much time for a blog.

Wishing you all a very happy adoption and family life.



Denise :o) said...

I'm so, so sorry to hear about your father!!! Sounds like your world is pretty crazy right now. You continue to be in our thoughts. ((((HUGS))))

atlasien said...

I'm sorry, especially to hear about your father... best wishes for strength in this difficult time.

walternatives said...

Oh sweetie, I am so very sorry to hear about your father. You and yours will continue to be in my thoughts, held in healing light...

Amanda said...

Oh CAmama... I am so sorry to hear about your dad. We'll be here whenever you can come back. Take care of yourself if you can.

Diane said...
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Diane said...

Sorry you are dealing with so much right now. I just found your site and will be checking in as often as I have time.