Saturday, August 02, 2008

Welcome to KidsGardening! Garden Resources, Gardening for Families, Teacher's Garden and Shopping for Gardening

Welcome to KidsGardening! Garden Resources, Gardening for Families, Teacher's Garden and Shopping for Gardening:

"Parents' Primer
Looking for some guidance on how to make the most of your family garden? Our Parents' Primer can help! Many other writings on kids’ gardening start with what to grow and how to design and build a kids’ garden, prepare soil, and plant, but this primer is not just about creating one garden for your kids. It’s about taking advantage of “gardening moments” with your kids every week in your own backyard ... and front yard and in the......."


Unknown said...

This is a great spot for me! I teach 5th grade science and we have a functioning (needs some work yet) greenhouse. I will be checking in often for ideas.

Denise :o) said...

Hi! We are going to an orientation meeting with Lilliput next Tuesday. I'm scared about taking the fost/adopt plunge. I'm so scared of getting my heart broken. If you don't mind I'd love to call you and pick your brain. You were sooooo, soooo helpful during Ivan's adoption and now that you have some experience with fost/adopt, I'd love to get your opinion.

I hope all is going well for you. Any news on finalization?