Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prejudiced New Neighbors

Well, it finally happened. A new family moved in next door - renters. They have crosses on their cars, crosses in their windows, profess to be Christian... and they are verbally abusing my 5 & 6 year old African American daughters. Their son drives a truck with a huge confederate flag flying in the bed. This is California right?

What to do...........

During the days they were moving in, we brought them eggs from our small flock of chickens, offered to help them move the heavy furniture etc......

They didn't respond... nothing- took the eggs and help without a word. Seriously, without a word. No "Thank You", no nothing.

The first month we didn't worry about it because we thought they were busy with their belongings sitting in their driveway (shared easement with us) and didn't ask them to clear it away. We just parked in the road, thinking that we were being good neighbors and letting them take their time moving in. After 2 months and getting tired of carrying groceries, hauling the kids back and forth across the steep hill etc, I went over and knocked on their door to let them know that we would like to get to the house. I brought a copy of the deeded easement etc.

The man of the house flung open the door and proceeded to yell at me in front of my two little girls who had followed me over there.

I needed to be more respectful, he said. He said that obviously I needed to be educated because I have mated with animals and have produced abominations. He said this while pointing at my two girls who are African American.

I lost it. I admit it, I was a little loud.

He called the Sheriff on me for trespassing and almost breaking his front door as I had knocked and not used the door bell.

It is a metal door. I knocked just like any person would do. Believe me, I couldn't break it if I tried.

The Sheriff actually took my side and told them they need to keep the easement clear.

They have now called the county on me in regards to my keeping chickens. Three years, three years I've had these chickens. No one has had a problem. There are no roosters to crow and the coop and run are kept extremely clean so there is no smell. The neighbors love the eggs we give them and the kids in the neighborhood love to help collect the eggs. There are three other families with chickens here... The county official who came said the complainants only submitted MY name.

Anyway, I digress. I can't let my kids in the front yard because the neighbors kids are yelling profanities and extremely nasty names at my children. Christians. Hmmmmm..........

On another note: I have found out where my son's brother is. He will be adopted by a family in Russia that has adopted one other of my son's sisters. Thank Goodness, he has been found and will be well taken care of.

Another, another note: after a looong time and paperwork asking the adoption process to be stopped- we received a referral from China for a little 8 mo old girl. Really BIG surprise.


Denise :o) said...

Okay, I'm just getting around to reading this and I am FUMING MAD!!!!!! Who the heck are these people and I so want to go over there and give them a piece of my mind and fist!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! I'm sooo sorry you AND the girls are dealing with such ignorance! Grrrr.... If you need a good home for your chickens, let me know. We have some too and we'd even let you have the eggs... stupid idiots!

Second, soooo glad you found your son's brother and that he will be going to a good home... with the other sister. :o)) That is wonderful news.

Thirdly, what are you going to do with the referral from China????

Lastly, have you visited my blog lately? I have a DAUGHTER!! :o))))

We really need to catch up. Still want to meet the girls. Huge play date sometime???

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