My honey and I get along pretty well. We better after almost 18 years. There is one thing though that gets him upset and stomping out the door.
My daughter has very fine, long hair down to her rear. She has a pretty wave in the front. Everyone remarks on how beautiful it is. THEY do not have to take care of it. My husband does not take care of it but he is adamant that her hair does not get cut.
Here I am. The poor woman who has to wash, condition, comb, braid, brush and repeat.
My mother took the kids the night before last and basically let them run wild. My daughter came home with a snarled, matted mess. That's fine. She was just at my mom's right? Well, this morning DH announced that the kids were to go to his sister's house to open some presents that she had for them and that they needed to leave in 15 minutes.
DH didn't tell me this last night at my mom's because of the football game last night. I know you ladies of husbands who love football KNOW exactly what game I'm talking about. For four hours DH was plastered to the TV. UNDEFEATED!!!! Woooooo!!!! History in the making. I say "this is cool and all but this will not be written in school history books, THIS is NOT history" (well, I have opinions on school books and real history but that is beside the point). ANYWAY....
So here I am, frantically trying to wash, comb and braid my daughter's hair in 15 minutes. There is NO WAY I'm letting her out of the house like that. She looked like what my great-grandmother called a "guttersnipe".
I keep spraying and spraying the detangling stuff into her hair, nothing happens. I finally spray some on my fingers and smell. Nope nothing. My daughter and her friends had refilled the bottles with plain water after using all the spray on their dolls hair. All 3 bottles worth.
"Ok, this is not good."
My husband has a serious soft spot for our daughter. I mean SERIOUS. When she was a toddler and throwing her two year old fits he would say to me or her big brother "JUST GIVE HER WHATEVER SHE WANTS!!!!!!!" She is the epitome of "has her father wrapped around her finger" and she KNOWS this. She is now seven. You can imagine.
She usually whines a bit during the hair care process and I just ignore it. She will live. And today she did pretty good considering what shape her hair was in. I mean I could barely get the comb into her hair. It kept ricocheting off the top of her head. Therefore my mumbled "OMG, OMG, I can't believe this. Her hair is ruined. What is this DD, peanut butter? Baby you have to brush your hair when you're at Grandma's." type stuff.
DH was there, couldn't even watch the process and in a seriously shitty tone says "Yeah, Jes*s is really gonna help you with her hair. Can't you be more gentle?"
"She really needs a trim, her hair is really tangled and I don't have any detangler right now." I say.
"You are NOT going to cut her hair!" he says quite firmly.
While I try to explain the difference between a trim and a cut, DD smells candy or a toy from Daddy in the near future and starts to bring a little drama to the play.
Finally after trying to get DH to even LOOK at the state of DD's hair and him refusing and then ME finally losing it and just trying to get her hair separated into three sections to braid and DD now stepping up the whining DH announces,
"Fine, I'm going to stay away all day. That's what you want isn't it? Just shave her damn head, I don't care!"
Is there another football game or something?
Ah, love.
Ah, family dynamics.
My daughter has very fine, long hair down to her rear. She has a pretty wave in the front. Everyone remarks on how beautiful it is. THEY do not have to take care of it. My husband does not take care of it but he is adamant that her hair does not get cut.
Here I am. The poor woman who has to wash, condition, comb, braid, brush and repeat.
My mother took the kids the night before last and basically let them run wild. My daughter came home with a snarled, matted mess. That's fine. She was just at my mom's right? Well, this morning DH announced that the kids were to go to his sister's house to open some presents that she had for them and that they needed to leave in 15 minutes.
DH didn't tell me this last night at my mom's because of the football game last night. I know you ladies of husbands who love football KNOW exactly what game I'm talking about. For four hours DH was plastered to the TV. UNDEFEATED!!!! Woooooo!!!! History in the making. I say "this is cool and all but this will not be written in school history books, THIS is NOT history" (well, I have opinions on school books and real history but that is beside the point). ANYWAY....
So here I am, frantically trying to wash, comb and braid my daughter's hair in 15 minutes. There is NO WAY I'm letting her out of the house like that. She looked like what my great-grandmother called a "guttersnipe".
I keep spraying and spraying the detangling stuff into her hair, nothing happens. I finally spray some on my fingers and smell. Nope nothing. My daughter and her friends had refilled the bottles with plain water after using all the spray on their dolls hair. All 3 bottles worth.
"Ok, this is not good."
My husband has a serious soft spot for our daughter. I mean SERIOUS. When she was a toddler and throwing her two year old fits he would say to me or her big brother "JUST GIVE HER WHATEVER SHE WANTS!!!!!!!" She is the epitome of "has her father wrapped around her finger" and she KNOWS this. She is now seven. You can imagine.
She usually whines a bit during the hair care process and I just ignore it. She will live. And today she did pretty good considering what shape her hair was in. I mean I could barely get the comb into her hair. It kept ricocheting off the top of her head. Therefore my mumbled "OMG, OMG, I can't believe this. Her hair is ruined. What is this DD, peanut butter? Baby you have to brush your hair when you're at Grandma's." type stuff.
DH was there, couldn't even watch the process and in a seriously shitty tone says "Yeah, Jes*s is really gonna help you with her hair. Can't you be more gentle?"
"She really needs a trim, her hair is really tangled and I don't have any detangler right now." I say.
"You are NOT going to cut her hair!" he says quite firmly.
While I try to explain the difference between a trim and a cut, DD smells candy or a toy from Daddy in the near future and starts to bring a little drama to the play.
Finally after trying to get DH to even LOOK at the state of DD's hair and him refusing and then ME finally losing it and just trying to get her hair separated into three sections to braid and DD now stepping up the whining DH announces,
"Fine, I'm going to stay away all day. That's what you want isn't it? Just shave her damn head, I don't care!"
Is there another football game or something?
Ah, love.
Ah, family dynamics.
Oh, I got this BEFORE I even had a daughter. I told HUbs, short hair until she can care for it herself. Then she can have long if she wants it! Unless, of course, he wants to take care of it. He didn't care.
It's probably just the lingering effect of the testosterone-saturated 4 hours of football ;). I like Maggie's approach- if he doesn't want her to get a trim, then tell him he's the one going to weild the brush. I give him a week before he makes an appointment with the hairdresser!
Opposite problem. I just had the weirdest experience! I let Anastasia and Ilya go spend a few days with another adoptive family while we had their son with us. When she came home - they had CUT HER HAIR! I wanted to weep! Anastasia has fine hair that doesn't do much and grows SO slowly. She looks best with it up in a pony or bun to show off her lovely neck... It was JUST getting long enough to go up in a pony and then this! I expect they took their girls, she begged, they asked, she claimed it would be OK, and they did it! Well, it isn't OK! I'm so unhappy about it!
Whoa! No WAY!!!!! What were they THINKING?
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