Saturday, March 22, 2008

Finally, A Post

So, its been 20 days since I last posted. I am so TIRED!! Next week N (I can't think of a cute little name for her right now) the oldest sister turns 4. For some odd reason I found that I was thinking by some miracle that particular day would help me with her behavior. K the younger one is even more set on testing me EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of the day.

I am keeping K in a sling with me. Things go a lot easier that way.

Without it she is hitting and kicking all the animals and other children. The other morning she called me a bitch and told me she was going to kick my ass for not putting ice cream in her bowl for breakfast. A 2 year old.
To tell the truth, it was all I could do not to laugh in her raging little face. She was just livid, her feet braced apart, hands in fists, one shaking at me the other at her hip. The older children are giving her a wide berth, except for C the oldest and most patient. He still thinks she is cute and when I let her out of the sling, she toddles after him as fast as her little legs can go. For a while anyway, until she can find the nearest thing to hit as hard as she can. That includes the neighbor girls that have had the audacity to take "her N" away to play. N can only play with her evidently.

N actually lets K boss her around and man handle her quite a bit. She is two times as big as her little sister, yet K really does try to "kick her ass". The swearing has started to subside. The total fear of the outdoors is receding and they ARE starting to open up.

They are opening up about things I thought I was prepared for. Yet you are NEVER prepared for the confidences of an abused toddler. The SWs were unaware of the extent of the abuse but I am documenting their statements and keeping all SW's informed. The latest was at their Dr's appt. when the Dr. was writing a prescription for a powdered laxative b/c I told her it is basically a scream fest when she tries to have a bm. I've tried prunes etc but she just holds it forever. It hurts her to have me button her pants. Her little tummy gets SO big. Anyway, little K disclosed something at that point that made me want to cry and the doctor turned to me to say "That is why she is holding her bms." So matter of fact.

I better go..... its too quiet.

To answer a question:

The age and number of my children:

CG is 9- a boy. Bio
CR is 7- a girl. Bio
I is a newly turned 6 yr old son adopted from Russia in 04.

Now there is N who will be 4 this month- a girl. Fos Adopt
and K who is 2 and turns 3 this summer. Fos Adopt.


Suzanne said...

WOW. Poor kids, to have heard and seen that kind of behavior modeled. And poor you to have to endure the spillover.

It will get better.

walternatives said...

I'm in awe of you. I am. And I'm offering my personal gratitude - releasing it out into the Universe - that you (and your family) were brought together with these 2 girls... I'm tremendously grateful.

Annie said...

Have you actually adopted the girls, or are they just with you temporarily? Wow! I do NOT have the energy....except maybe that is because I am TOTALLY exhausted from dealing with a defiant 15 year old at the moment! God bless you. I will remember you in my prayers this week. God help you have the patience and strength to love these girls back to health.

Annie said...

BTW - It WAS really good to hear from you again!

Denise :o) said...

Wow! Those are some strong words coming from a 2 yr old. I'm just trying to picture Ivan saying that to me!! It would take every tiny bit of strength inside of me to keep my cool. You are amazing! Those poor little girls sound like they've been through hell and back. I'm so glad they finally found loving parents like yourselves. You have three other, very well behaved children that will make great role models for them.

If you need any help or just a break or something, let me know. I'm only about five minutes away!!

Annie said...

I think of you often. I bet you are STILL tired. Hope all is OK.

Nikki said...

I haven't been by in a long time...I have missed A LOT!
I have been thinking lately about the Foster adopt program - I'll be back.
Hope you get some rest!

FosterMom said...

Oh goodness - I think I would flip if my 2 or 3 year old said those things! I'm so grateful that we got our foster kids basically straight from the hospital. I'm not sure how I wuld deal with that kind of stuff! I'll keep your family - and especially those girls - in my prayers. Keep up the good work - you are changing their lives in a positive way!

Carolyn said...

I'm so glad you posted. I was wondering how things were. I don't think you can ever be emotionally prepared to deal with this stuff. You're doing great. Please take care of yourself. You're the glue, and these little girls (not the mention the rest of your family) need you so much.